Mastodon home! —


We flew home on Saturday. I was still really sick and constantly coughing so the flight was pretty miserable, but everything went smoothly. The cat was so glad to see us!

Sorry, dear family and friends, that you didn’t get any postcards and presents from Canada this time. I barely ever left the house, and when I did I was too busy coughing to do any shopping.

We all had such a wonderful relaxing time with Hugh and Christine! Here are a few more pictures:

Views from their roof, where they have a container garden and a gazebo. We ate several meals and played lots of games up there:




On Thursday it rained and I felt well enough to take a little walk, so we walked out to get a cake at Cocoa Locale.

Christine, Henry, and Dan:


Cocoa Locale! We bought a little peach cake and some chocolate and lemon cupcakes. YUM.



It’s just a tiny little shop, and the lady bakes right in the front room behind the counter. My flash went off by accident when I took that photo and I nearly died of embarrassment.

One more pretty street:


We played a lot of cards, euchre mostly but also elevator and some Saskatchewan cribbage. We ate and ate and ate, and talked, and knitted, and just relaxed. Christine took the guys bike riding up on Mont Royal — they rented bixis!

We can’t wait to go back someday.

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One Response to “home!”

  1. Kristin

    They live in such a beautiful area. I’m sorry you were so sick during the trip!

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