Mastodon 2012 April —

Archive for April 2012

April 20, 2012

April 20th, 2012 — 11:14am

Whoops, while listening to The Fellowship I found that the end of chapter 7 was missing. Dunno what happened there. So I re-recorded the ending and uploaded the file again. Sorry about that!

The truncated file is about 29 minutes long. The fixed file is about 32 minutes long.

Here’s the fixed file: Fellowship1 07 In the House of Tom Bombadil

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April 12, 2012

April 12th, 2012 — 3:53pm

I just found some very old recordings to share — The Hobbit and book 1 of The Fellowship of the Ring! I must have recorded these when Henry was seven or so. The Fellowship was first and it’s actually my second recording of the book.

When Henry became obsessed with Tolkien at age six I recorded the whole Fellowship (and The Two Towers, I think) onto cassette tapes which then wore out with daily listening, so when Dan gave me my first iBook with a built-in mic I re-recorded The Fellowship digitally. After we did book 1 we decided to do The Hobbit, and I guess after that we branched out to other authors and never got around to book 2. But don’t worry — I want to hear it so I’ll record it soon! Recording quality will be much higher but there won’t be a little person asking questions and reading the poems :)

Links to both books are here: Kayray Reads to You, or you can download directly from my page on

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April 8, 2012

April 8th, 2012 — 1:25pm

Happy Easter, everyone! I hope the Bunny brought you some nice treats :)

Here’s a little audio Easter present from me:

The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery Wiliams.


And also an English/German recording of the wonderful little picturebook, Guess How Much I Love You/ Weisst du eigentlich wie lieb ich dich hab? (Elli sent the German version to me for Easter!)


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