July 31st, 2013 — 9:54am
UPDATE! (June 17, 2014) A commenter has just let me know that you can now purchase an ebook of “Poo-Poo and the Dragons” with the original illustrations! So if you enjoyed my recording, please support this publisher and buy your own copy of this wonderful classic.
I just recorded and uploaded the last chapter of Poo-Poo and the Dragons! I’ll be podcasting about 2 chapters a week, but you can download the whole book right now if you’re impatient. Visit my “Kayray Reads to You” page.
I wish you could see all of the illustrations, but here are two:

And yes, NOW I will get back to work on Spiderweb for Two :)
1 comment » | Audiobooks, Blog
July 30th, 2013 — 9:56am
I’ve been getting a lot of email asking, very politely, when I will record the last book in the Melendy Quartet, “Spiderweb for Two” :)
I’m so glad you guys are eager to hear it! I recorded the first chapter a while back, and then real life happened for a while, and then I got distracted by Poo-Poo and the Dragons, which I had to check out from the library because it is too expensive to purchase my own copy. So now I need to finish the last few chapters of Poo-Poo, and then I’ll go back to recording Spiderweb so you can hear about the interesting things that happened to Randy and Oliver while Mark, Mona, and Rush were away at boarding school…
1 comment » | Audiobooks, Blog
July 29th, 2013 — 4:36pm
UPDATE! (June 17, 2014) A commenter has just let me know that you can now purchase an ebook of “Poo-Poo and the Dragons” with the original illustrations! So if you enjoyed my recording, please support this publisher and buy your own copy of this wonderful classic.
Have I got a treat for you! Chapter 1 of “Poo-Poo and the Dragons” by C. S. Forester (yes, the guy who wrote the Horatio Hornblower books).
Poo-Poo and the Dragons Chapter 1
I’ve recorded 11 of 17 chapters but I have added the finished chapters to my podcast feed already. I’ll get the whole book done soon because I have to get it finished before the library wants it back. I don’t have my own copy because it’s out of print and used copies are rare and expensive. If you have a copy, hang on to it! The illustrations are by Robert Lawson. You would recognize his style — he illustrated Ferdinand!
I hope you like the adventures of Harold Heavyside Brown (a.k.a. Poo-Poo) and his dragons!
P.S. A big thank-you to the Lindsay kids for donating to my birthday Charity: Water campaign! :)

5 comments » | Audiobooks, Blog
July 28th, 2013 — 10:29pm

My 44th birthday is a month away! Happy birthday to me! :)
Instead of gifts for me, I am asking my friends, family, and audiobook fans to donate to Charity: Water.
Millions of kids around the world don’t live to see their fifth birthday because they don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water. We can help change that.
I’m asking for my age (or half my age, or whatever you can spare) in dollars from everyone I know. Every penny of the money raised will directly fund clean water projects in developing countries. Even better, charity: water will show us exactly which projects we funded once they’ve been fully completed (which takes about 18 months). That means we’ll know the locations and names of the communities we helped.
Help me reach my goal. Please donate to my birthday campaign! Thank you so much :)
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July 4th, 2013 — 10:32pm
If you enjoy listening to librivox audiobooks, would you please consider making a donation to help us with our infrastructure costs? Any donation will be helpful, large or small. And because we are under the wing of the wonderful Internet Archive, your donation will be tax deductible!
Click this link to go straight to our donation page: http://librivox.org/donate-to-librivox/
Here’s a short excerpt from our explanatory blogpost:
We have rebuilt all the software that runs our project management systems, our cataloging system, and our book uploading systems; in addition, we’ve done a complete redesign & implementation of our website. All this will be revealed to the public shortly… but there is more work to do.
We’d like your help to raise money to support the following things:
* technical infrastructure additions that were outside the scope of what we could achieve with the Mellon grant
* ongoing system administration costs
* ongoing development support and improvements on our new software systems
* ensuring the LibriVox site is properly internationalized
* to make sure that volunteers don’t need to pay out of pocket for big-ticket items that need paying for
Our 8-year anniversary is coming up, on August 10, 2013.
Our target is to raise $50,000 by then. Can you help?
Many thanks!
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