September 20th, 2011 — 12:29pm
Forgot to mention that I finished recording another free audiobook. Thanks to Elli for prooflistening and cataloging! :)
The Girl on the Boat, by P.G Wodehouse
Also published as “Three Men and a Maid”. The maid of the title is red-haired, dog-loving Wilhelmina “Billie” Bennet, and the three men are Bream Mortimer, a long-time friend and admirer of Billie, Eustace Hignett, a lily-livered poet who is engaged to Billie at the opening of the tale, and Sam Marlowe, Eustace’s dashing cousin, who falls for Billie at first sight. All four find themselves on an ocean liner headed for England together, along with a capable young woman called Jane Hubbard who is smitten with Eustace, and typically Wodehousian romantic shenanigans ensue.
Hope you like it!
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September 3rd, 2011 — 11:35am
My birthday was last Saturday and, thanks to my dear family and friends, I had a very pleasant day. Let’s see if I can remember how my day went… Everyone sent birthday email. Elli made recordings of two German picture books (which were part of the HUGE pile of special books and toys that she mailed to me last month). Dan gave me a beautiful sterling silver and diamond bracelet which I love, and a book about brain science that I was wishing for — “Incognito”, by David Eagleman. It’s fascinating!
Oh, another gift from Dan was that he bought three copies of “Worms: Reloaded” — one for each of us so that we can all play Worms together, even when Henry isn’t at home! I’ve been playing “Worms: Armageddon” on my iPad a lot recently but it’s WAY better on a real computer with proper network multiplayer. SUPER-FUN!
Dan and I lazed around all day and played a LOT of Worms, and then Chloe and Bob came over in the evening (with donuts!) and we watched Catch-22, which I think I saw years ago but I didn’t really remember. Excellent movie.
Henry wasn’t home on my actual birthday but he took me out for a birthday treat on Tuesday. He drove me to Adams Avenue Books, a wonderful two-story used book store. I browsed for ages and finally chose a pile of books and Henry bought them for me :) It was a lovely and special outing!
Here’s a not-very-good photo of my bracelet. It’s actually much more delicate than it appears:

Am I forgetting anything? I dunno! Anyway, thanks everyone!
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