November 23rd, 2011 — 10:23am
Anne McCaffrey has gone between.
Dragonsong and Dragonsinger were my favorites. They made a huge impression on me when I first read them as a 10-year-old (I still re-read them every few years). Menolly was a wonderfully real girl — brave enough to run away and live Holdless for the sake of her music, but as shy and insecure as I was.
Thanks, Anne.
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November 20th, 2011 — 7:32pm
I’ve been having a lot of fun cooking and baking in my new, big, bright kitchen, especially on days like today when I didn’t have to drive anywhere and I felt relatively energentic. Today I made Jason’s Tear and Share Cheese and Onion Loaf, which I saw him bake on the Great British Bake-Off. (We all LOVE the Great British Bake-Off!!!) It was one of the most delicious-looking things of the whole series and I’ve wanted to make it ever since.
Here’s the recipe:
And here’s a photo of mine:

it’s a basic white bread dough, which you divide into 19 pieces. You flatten each piece, fill with a bit of sauteed onion and grated cheddar cheese, then seal each roll and place them on a baking sheet so they form one loaf. And then sprinkle with more cheese before baking.
It was very time-consuming but not at all difficult; however, I never remember how long it takes to make bread, so I’ve always got the timing wrong and dinner is ready while the bread still has to rise one last time. Because of this poor timing, I didn’t let the loaf double in size before baking — I let it rise a bit but I was impatient to serve the lovely beef and veggie soup I’d made, so I went ahead and popped the bread in the oven early.
Despite this, it turned out just beautiful — soft, flavorful, delicious! Wow! Everyone loved it.
Thanks, Jason, for posting this fabulous recipe!
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November 8th, 2011 — 6:32pm
Gah! How has an entire week of November gone past already? Thanksgiving will be here in just over two weeks. Yikes.
Ok, we’re all settled in our new house and it’s lovely and spacious and bright and comfortable. Dan just bought me two wonderful big handsome sturdy IKEA bookcases so all my books have a home and none are in boxes anymore! I chose the “Hemnes” bookcases in brown-black because they are plain but attractive and made of real pine. Henry helped us bring them home in Chloe’s van yesterday, and then Chloe and I built them with a little hammering-help from Dan. We really love assembling IKEA furniture.
Here’s a photo. The junk on top is Chloe’s quilting project, only there temporarily to be away from the cat when she’s not working on it. As you can see I have room for even more books! I also have a low shelf in my knitting area for all my knitting books so they are handy.

Today, while watching “Digging for Britain”, I started knitting a little zig-zag cap for my cousin Ashley’s new baby boy, who was due in a week or so but actually might be arriving while I type this! Ravelry Link (no login needed)

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