Mastodon Arden Bag, finished! —

Arden Bag, finished!

I love my new purse! It’s the Arden Bag kit from knitpicks. I over-felted mine by accident so it’s a bit lumpy but oh well. Just finished sewing the lining in last night and used it all day and I just love it. I wove the straps on my inkle loom. Here are pictures! And a Ravelry link.



I sewed a special iPhone pocket into the lining so my phone will never sink to the bottom and make me panic. There’s also a larger pocket for keys, pens, pocket knife, etc.


Inside-out to show lining and pockets:



It’s not huge but it’s bigger than my old purse, so I’ll more easily be able to carry along my camera, mouse, laptop power cable, or even a sock-in-progress.

Category: Blog, Handmade 3 comments »

3 Responses to “Arden Bag, finished!”

  1. Ana

    Love the pockets. :)

  2. Kristin

    That looks great! Not that I need to start another project, but I’ve been needing a new purse…

  3. Annie

    So cute!

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