Mastodon June 27, 2012 —

June 27, 2012

JUst a quick post to try to get back in the habit. Lots of stuff happened between the last post and this one… I had a small stroke in early May (I’m ok now, just a little numb on my left side), we saw the AMAZING “This American Life Live” show, I won a First Place and an Honorable Mention for my knitting at the fair, I finished recording the entire Fellowship of the Ring, I knit a lovely pair of red-and-white striped socks and started a green-and-brown pair, I started a red lace cardigan, I started a big thick oatmeal-colored bulky cabled cardigan, Henry finished his Instructor Training at his Kung Fu school and has a job as a fledgling instructor now.

Also I got a speeding ticket for driving 45 in a 35 zone. Totally my fault, was listening to music and not paying attention. Cost me $400 and I have to do online traffic school to keep my insurance rates from going up too. So I’m going to do that now before the deadline gets any nearer.

But first I need to check my Pocket Planes… ;-)

Category: Blog 8 comments »

8 Responses to “June 27, 2012”

  1. Dan

    So glad you’re blogging again :)

  2. Catharine

    Yow! Glad you’re doing okay after your stroke. Thanks for checking in!

  3. Rachel

    Yikes! I’m sorry to hear of your health troubles! I’m glad that you’re okay.

    Congratulations on your prizes! Can we see photos? I started knitting last year. I’ve not tried socks just yet (its on my to-do wish list) but I’m loving it!

  4. Chrisentiae

    Friday 29 June 2012

    Hi Kara,

    A “small stroke” !!!

    May God bless you Kara, and keep his angels to watch over you, and light your path by the light of his love now and always, in Jesus name amen!

    Congratulations of the knitting success!!!

    Yay Fellowship of the Ring!

    A $400 fine for 10 miles over (miles? we have kilometers in Australia) … talk about Government revenue raising!!! Online traffic school too? Oh my!!! Though I am all for safe driving. Just seems a tad harsh.

    No GTA (Grand Theft Auto) computer games for you then I take it! ;)

    Keep safe Kara, start listening to John Denver music or something slow when driving!!! :P

    Kind regards,


  5. Bao Kieu

    Hi Kara,
    I’m Bao, I’m from Vietnam.
    I just want to thank you for your recording on librivox.
    I’ve listened to the whole story of Heidi for 4 times now.
    And I’m starting to listen to “the country of ours”.
    It’s wonderful to lie on my bed and listen to your recording in this rainy month.

  6. Amber

    Hi Kara,
    I’m Amber from the UK. Just wanted to thank you for your recordings on Librivox. You’re one of the best ‘readers’ I’ve heard – brilliant! I’ve just listened to “Heidi” and I think I recognise your voice as the Marmi in “Little Women”? Can you recommend any other children’s classics which are similar (as if that were possible) to Heidi or to Little Women?
    All the best and many thanks from me!

  7. Alexis Gentry

    Whaaaaaat! Oh my. Know that you are precious to us, and we are thinking of you. My children think of you as an Auntie that we have yet to meet—and my six year old daughter ‘talks’ to you when we listen to any of your podcasts (like during the prelude…Hello, you are listening to Kayray…) Hi, Kayray, how are you? :) xo

  8. Shelly

    I am so sorry to hear of your health issues and hope you are on your way to a full recovery!

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