Mastodon Hello again —

Hello again

Well I haven’t written a blog post in a very long time. So I just thought I’d write a quick one here and try to get back in the habit. I know no one reads blogs anymore but I like being able to read old entries and see what I was doing.

Today I went to my board game meetup and we played three games that were new to me — Boss Monster, Modern Art (an auction game — nothing to do with actual art. Pity.) and Race for the Galaxy. I had lots of fun! I find it so very pleasurable to learn new board games. I don’t know… there’s just something so satisfying about knowing nothing at all about the components or how to play, and having it slowly come into focus. Race for the Galaxy, in particular, has millions of seemingly indecipherable little symbols on millions of unique cards, but then BAM — one at a time the little symbols take on meaning, and it becomes a game instead of a mystery. Still not super-clear about the “consume” phase… but I’m sure on the next play I’ll master it.

Look what Elli sent me for my birthday (the package just arrived)! Books and yarn and a Zelda game for my gameboy!

2013-10-13 16.54.56

And look at my handsome 18-yr-old boy. He’s the best, I tell you, the best.

2013-10-13 17.43.47

Category: Blog 5 comments »

5 Responses to “Hello again”

  1. Mike

    We DO still wait anxiously for your posts, Kara, even those of us who’ve been lurking quietly for YEARS! Not everyone twitters! -Mike

  2. Tom Doody

    welcome back

  3. Catharine Eastman

    I find it hard to believe that I’ve “known” you long enough that the thought of Henry being 18 is kind of astonishing! (And yes, he’s quite handsome.)

    Belated happy birthday!

  4. Dan

    Thanks for writing again! I love your posts too :)

  5. Jerry Nicholson

    I read your blog, cousin! But I don’t do twitter or facebook.

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