Mastodon oops! RotK Book 2 —

oops! RotK Book 2

A kind listener just emailed to ask if I was planning to record RotK book 2 and I had a panicky moment — did I never finish LotR? Did I only imagine that I had finished? I’m pretty sure I finished the entire trilogy; I have no clear memories of recording that book, but that’s par for the course…

So I did a search of my own audiobook archive, and there were the files. *Whew*. Checked my various collections on and found that I had indeed uploaded the files when I finished the book. *Whew* again. Looks like I just forgot to post the links on The links are now there.:) Thanks, Arnold R.!

Category: Audiobooks, Blog One comment »

One Response to “oops! RotK Book 2”

  1. Viv

    Thank you for this! We finished your LOTR recordings and were looking for this.
    Also, I’d like to share with you that when our family were talking about the highlights of 2016, Mr 11 said discovering you was one of them. Happy new year, Kay Ray! May 2017 be a blessed year for you and your family.

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