Mastodon Gruenes Ei mit Speck —

Gruenes Ei mit Speck

Here’s a 5-minute recording of a children’s picture book in German. Can you guess what it is? I think you’ll recognize it by the time you get all the way to the end even if you don’t speak a word of German :)

No googling, now!

Gruenes Ei mit Speck

I have also created a page just for my recordings of picture books.

The pictures are half the fun, so please try to buy or borrow copies of these books so that you can look at the pictures while I read to you. :)

Category: Audiobooks, Blog One comment »

One Response to “Gruenes Ei mit Speck”

  1. Gillian

    Thanks Kara. I loved it. My rusty German could cope with about 80% of it, which probably gives me the functional vocabulary of a four-year-old!

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