Mastodon New Year’s Eve —

New Year’s Eve

We woke up earlier than usual but then lounged laaaate :D Got up eventually and finished Landscapers — what an amazing show! Unlike anything I’ve ever seen before and just beautiful and surreal and heartbreaking. Olivia Coleman is a true genius, and the young man who played her solicitor, Dipo Ola, was marvelous. His final monologue, my god. We’ll be seeing a lot more of him I hope! Then I took a shower, and we went to lunch with Dave’s son. I think my stomach has shrunk. I get full after a few bites and I’m losing weight rapidly (down to 111 now, yikes). Gotta eat more, maybe little bits more often. And more ice cream.

Anyway, after we got home Dave finished watching “Don’t Look Up”, which he’d started this morning while I was watching Landscapers. I joined him on the couch and watched the last half or so and it was great, sort of a cross between a modern Dr. Strangelove and an all-star 1970s disaster movie. Sharp and satirical and much better than I was expecting.

And now we’re snuggled on the couch watching the English cop shows that we love and sipping my homemade cranberry liqueur. We’ll be asleep before midnight, so Happy New Year and I’ll see you in 2022!

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One Response to “New Year’s Eve”

  1. Gillian

    Happy New Year!

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