Mastodon Wednesday —


Caught up on some of the housework I’d ignored for the past few days, and had my video session with Lovely Suzanne, the best therapist in the world. We’re gonna go back up to meeting twice a month for a while.

Right, my bird feeder! I bought the kind that’s like a sandwich-sized metal grid-box in which you put a cake of suet-and-seed (99 cents at Ace). I hung it right outside the glass bedroom door so I can birdwatch from bed in the morning. So far my regular visitors are Townsend‘s Warbler, a dear little black and yellow bird; Dark-Eyed Junco, who has a distinctive dark head; and the Bewick‘s Wren, who was rather hard to identify because it’s just… small and brown and plain. I thought for a while that it was a Bushtit but then I noticed that the beak was wrong — my bird has a longer beak. And a cute little upturned tail. Pretty sure it’s Bewick‘s Wren. I also saw a much larger bird once that I think was a Northern Flicker, which is a sort of woodpecker. Very excited to see who shows up in spring and summer, and I’m sure when they realize there’s year-round food we’ll get more nests and more bird families year round!

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One Response to “Wednesday”


    I love you. You make my life so much better. I just finished Dr. Cream. mwahhhhhhhhhh

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