Mastodon Perjantai —


It’s funny, last Friday was a Totally Sleepy Day too. Went to bed at a reasonable time last night, slept till 9am, was just too sleepy to get up till the afternoon! I think I’m still in withdrawal mode. So I just went with it! Body says rest, so I rest. Only a little bit sweaty last night too.

I knitted and read Mastodon and listened to Chloe‘s new recordings of Little Town on the Prairie and finished the audiobook of “The Feast” by Margaret Kennedy which was FANTASTIC. So good, so good, so good. If you like family comedy and social satire and a mid-century English setting, you’ll love it too! Do not read reviews — there WILL be spoilers. I was very glad I read it knowing nothing. Scribd has only one more Margaret Kennedy novel and my libraries have none. So I’ll need to start seeking out used editions. If you absolutely must read a review, this is a good one: but seriously, just read the book. Read the review when you’ve finished the book so you can revel in someone else loving it too.

Made good progress on Henry’s sleeves and also knit half a sock for Lulu. And I took a BATH and washed my hair today, yay! Dave will be home tomorrow night and I wanted to be a bit less smelly lol.

Why do the ants come marching into the bedroom all of a sudden? Ants, ants, ants, everywhere. Are they cold? Is the rain flooding their nests? I honestly don’t mind much except that when one crawls on me and I squish it, the stink is eye-wateringly bad. A horrible chemical smell. Formic acid, I guess, but jeeze, how can something so tiny smell so strongly?

Oh. Also. DAMN it’s dark in the winter in Portland. We’re still leading up to the shortest day and boy is it weird. It’s pitch-black night well before 5pm. I’ve never experienced such short daylight hours in my entire adult life. We moved here in mid January and the days were already much longer by then. This is really freaky. No wonder midwinter festivals are all about light and color and hoping the sun will return! And this is only PORTLAND, not even very far north. I’m totally gonna celebrate Midwinter’s Day — I think that’s when The Dark is Rising BBC radio play will start, too.

My SAD lamp arrived today and I look forward to waking up with some fake sunlight tomorrow morning.

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