Woke up feeling pretty good, with a little bit of energy! I tidied up my side of the bedroom which inspired Dave to work on his side too. It’s not done yet but it’s so much better! I put away my SAD lamp because the days are so much longer that I don’t need extra daylight, and I cleaned and put away my humidifier because it’s warm enough (50s, generally) that I can keep the bedroom window open all day and the furnace doesn’t run much, so it’s not uncomfortably dry inside.
Then I made a quick mushroom-ginger soup for lunch (Dave licked the bowl) and baked a dozen of my frozen cookie-dough lumps, and then WHAMMO I hit the wall and dragged myself to bed for a rest. Slept a bit but mostly just rested.
Feeling better now after a few hours of nothing. Should be able to get up for dinner.
Lovely gentle drippy rain all day.