Mastodon cozy! —


I just had the nicest afternoon. After I dropped Henry off with his dad for the weekend, I went to Chloe’s house and we set up her tree and then we worked on Christmas knitting and watched “Love Actually” which I’d never seen before. It was so cozy, knitting together on this cold dark day and watching a movie together. And there were about a thousand actors in that movie who looked vaguely familiar (I’m going to have to spend a while with imdb), not to mention the ten or so really famous ones. Oh, Mister Darcy and the Portuguese girl, that was the best bit, just delightful. Although Tim from The Office’s bit was adorable too. So much fun!

And now I’m home and it’s just Dan and me and we’re going to catch up on our TV shows and eat leftover shepherd’s pie and it will be a nice cozy evening :)

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2 Responses to “cozy!”

  1. Chloe

    Yay! That was really fun today!

  2. Kristin

    That does sound cozy :)

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