Mastodon My Fair Lady —

My Fair Lady

After Karate this morning we did a little bit of grocery shopping, then came home and put on My Fair Lady (thanks, TiVo). I hadn’t seen it in many years and Henry never had, so that was a lot of fun. I worked on a secret project while we watched. Super tired all day, still catching up from the weekend I guess. Also I dreamt I was at the north pole, and woke up early to find that most of my covers had fallen off.

Tonight Mom and I went shopping to see if we could find some jeans for her to give me for Christmas, heheh. I tried on a million pairs and didn’t find one that fit. I’m tall and thin and not especially curvy. Also I HATE the ones that are sort of faded-looking on the front of the legs, or are cut too low, or have trampy details. I tried on a lot of boy-jeans which had better, plainer styling (and didn’t puff out with extra fabric at my non-existant hips) but the ones that fit through the hips were a couple of inches too short. Heh. But we did find some nice shirts on ultra-super-sale at the Gap outlet. I will now forget about them until Christmas. :)

If anyone knows where to get nice plain ordinary jeans or cargo pants that will fit a beanpole, please let me know.

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One Response to “My Fair Lady”

  1. Kathy

    Have you thought of LL Bean, Eddie Bauer–that kind of place? I don’t know if they have brick/mortar stores so that you could get the jeans and have them under the tree…

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