Mastodon resting —


Henry and I slept late and then went to the library and jammed the backpack full of books, and ran a bunch of errands. At the library, Henry got a copy of Beowulf which he is in love with so far. I got three knitting books, but there’s nothing interesting in any of them! We both felt pretty good until the afternoon when we both all of a sudden got terribly tired and just went and lay down for the rest of the day. He’s up in his bed listening to audiobooks and watching LotR on my laptop. Dan’s sleeping (still very sick). I’m in my bed listening to audiobooks and resting. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Category: Blog 3 comments »

3 Responses to “resting”

  1. Kristin

    You know, libraries (at least mine) should have more craft/knitting books, and more up to date ones.

    I hope everything gets better soon with all of your health. Being sick is not fun.

  2. Kathy

    I’m so sorry to hear Dan’s sick. I hope he’s feeling better soon.

  3. Derek

    Do you homeschool Henry, or am I mistaken? He seems like a VERY bright boy for someone of his age!

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