Mastodon Poor Henry —

Poor Henry

Poor Henry is sick. He came down with some kind of horrid virus on Sunday while he was at his dad’s house. He felt too awful to go anywhere, so he spent the night there and his dad brought him home today. He felt a bit better today, no more fever and puking, but his throat is still sore and he feels pretty miserable. I let him watch Survivor All-Stars all day. Survivor makes great entertainment when you’re sick! We’ve got several other seasons saved up.

I did bills and shopping and housework and laundry and LibriVox stuff all day, and kept Henry company, and worked on his chainmail (and he helped with some of the knitting). I’ll have that pattern to post very soon, as soon as the thing is finished.

Henry’s in bed now. I hope he sleeps ok. When he’s sick we always read cozy happy familiar picture books for bedtime — tonight it was Blueberries for Sal and Goodnight Moon. While we were reading, Dan put a Legend of Zelda ringtone on his phone for him, which made him very very happy.

Now I will eat Trader Joe’s Gingeroo cookies and read Hypocrite in a Poufy White dress, which I’m really enjoying. I finished Anybody Out There last night and can’t WAIT to find more by the same author!

Oh here’s the chainmail as of yesterday:


Today we started knitting the bottom part that’s split in front and back.

Category: Blog 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Poor Henry”

  1. Rachel (from LV)

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Marian Keyes. I recommend *Rachel’s Holiday* next. :) Also, I’m looking forward to the chainmail pattern.

  2. Rachel (from LV)

    Oh, and I hope Henry feels better soon. Poor kid! I always get so anxious when my kids are sick, but at the same time, there’s a silver lining: they slow down, want to cuddle, and need their Mom in a way they haven’t since they were much, much smaller.

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