Mastodon Saturday —


Had a bit of a rough night last night but felt ok today anyway. That’s… six days in a row of not feeling horrible! Also I think it has been at least six days without night-sweats, so maybe my new thyroid regime is starting to work. Fingers crossed.

The rainbow striped fabric arrived! Since I had to pre-wash it in hot, I decided to strip the beds and wash the sheets at the same time, which means I also made the beds with the other set of nice clean sheets, which meant I took a shower and washed my hair so I could really enjoy those nice clean sheets tonight. Chain reaction of cleanliness. :D

I also washed a load of Dave’s clothes and made two more pairs of boyshorts undies for Lulu – two sizes bigger than the test pair!

This morning Henry texted that Freyja had woken him up by patting his back and saying her first real word: uh’nana! So he got up and gave her what she’d requested, a banana. Darling little person!

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One Response to “Saturday”

  1. Soozan

    your full life is a beautiful joy

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