Went to bed at 7:30 last night and was probably asleep by 9 or 9:30, then slept till 8:30 this morning — and my 5-day headache is much much better! Which is such a huge relief because I had decided if it wasn’t any better by morning it might be Something and I should go to the ER for all the scans.
Still super tired and have lain in bed not-quite-napping all day, listening to the next book in an excellent series of police procedurals by Jane Casey (The Reckoning).
I weighed 101.8 this morning! That’s the highest number I’ve seen in a few months. Even if it’s lower tomorrow again I’m on the right track.
Today I’ve eaten: a slice of toast, an Ensure, and a hard boiled egg. Room for improvement there. So I got up and finished my dehydrated greens project. A couple days ago I spread three heads of greens (kale, chard, and beet greens) on a couple of baking sheets and put them in a 175°f oven all day, until they were a dry and crunchy mulch. Today I ground the dry greens in the blender and sieved the resulting powder. Now I have a nice little baggie of nutritional Green Powder. I made a smoothie using 4 slices of frozen banana, a few chunks of frozen pineapple, a spoonful of vanilla ice cream, a spoonful of green powder, two scoops of protein powder, and enough kefir to blend it to a drinkable consistency. And drinkable it was! The green powder is only slightly perceptible. I’ll try adding it to pasta sauce too.