Mastodon Dienstag —


We’re both still alive! Just.

Went to the pharmacy first thing for Dave’s pain meds, and then we sat on the couch all day together. Dave in agonizing pain, me with a rather fast heart that simply would not go into a nice normal sinus rhythm, and low o2 saturation. Argh.

We got our OrganicsToYou delivery — lots of lovely fruits and veggies and three half-gallons of milk for Dave. He does go through the milk, and a gallon and a half should be enough to spare for me to make a cheese sauce or a cake or whatever, without having a Milk for Tea Emergency before next Tuesday.

And a pleasant young man from a water line repair company came to check for leaks because our water bills are very high, even though we use barely any water. Seriously, we don’t water the yard, and we take like two showers a month, and we usually do 2-3 loads of laundry every ten days or so. But he couldn’t find any leaks! He did leave dye in the two rarely-used toilets so we can see if they have a very slow leak.

And a Yard Man came by to give us an estimate for taking care of our yard and brambles and trees. He gets high praise on Facebook or wherever Dave found him, and I’m super excited to get his quote and get our ten-foot tall weeds trimmed back!

Sleeping time is now.

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