Mastodon Wednesday —


I still feel like I’m slowly beginning to recover, yay! I did my exercises standing up again, and spent at least half the day out of bed. Ate a huge pile of steamed broccoli and asparagus for lunch. I did a very good job eating the produce that came in my veg box this week. Sometimes I don’t have the wherewithal to cook the random veggies they send, or eat the fruit before it goes bad.

Yesterday I baked eight little purple organic potatoes. Ate two hot, two cold sliced in half and spread thickly with butter, and fried the rest up in butter for an afternoon snack today.

I mailed in my “homebound” application to the library. I’m so excited! I spent ages browsing the online catalog and selecting books to request. Our library has a very good, very usable online catalog. They even have a virtual “new books” shelf, which is always my first stop when I go there in person. I found some new fiction, the next novel in a crime series I’ve been listening to (Jane Casey’s “Maeve Kerrigan” books — scribd has the first three but no others), a Finnish grammar book, a couple of calligraphy books, and a non-fiction book called “Tasting History: Explore the Past Through 4000 Years of Recipes”. Sounds interesting, huh?

And I won’t need to tire myself out carrying them around the library and out to the car and into the house! Omg I’m so excited, so excited. I hope my application goes through quickly. I bet it will. It should arrive at our branch tomorrow and then it can’t take too long to get me entered into the system. I hadn’t realized that I’ve been avoiding the library because of fatigue. Books books books books, wonderful books. I can have Book Greed again! That’s what Ex-Husband #2 lovingly called it when I checked out more books than I could carry :D

But now I’ll only need to bring them in from the porch after they’re delivered, and my walker will do the carrying.

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One Response to “Wednesday”

  1. Soozan

    This is truly deeply wonderful. The Library of Congress sent my mother a machine and very old fashioned tapes so she could listen years before Libby, etc. My setting her up for that may have been the most important thing I ever did for her. She listened to lots of steamy romance and loved being shocked ? all through her 90’s.

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