Mastodon July 5, 2006 —

July 5, 2006

Oops. Well. If you’re subscribed to my podcast feed, you’ve already heard the end of the book. If you depend on downloading the chapters from this page, well, I apologize for forgetting to update here! Instead of my pasting a dozen links here, just click this link: Heidi, by Johanna Spyri. You can get all the chapters you missed there.

I’ve been working hard on recording my next book for you. It’s a children’s history of England, told through little stories. A little fact, a little fairy-tale, a little legend. It’s old, of course, written in 1905, but still mostly relevant and very entertaining! There are 111 short chapters, and I’ve just recorded number 45. I’ll be splitting the book in half — the first half read only by me, the second half alternating chapters with my LibriVox friend, Jim. I’ll start podcasting and posting chapters here in a week or two.

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