Mastodon Rush Hour —

Rush Hour

Last night Dan showed Henry how to use his amp setup and everything, which sounds much than Henry’s setup, and Henry got all inspired and started to learn “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”.  This morning he practiced for about half an hour, and then at 10 we left for our meeting with Karen.  Handed in our “work samples” and discussed all the fun stuff we’ve been doing together.  Very pleasant.  Henry brought his guitar along and played for her :)

Then we went straight down to Chloe’s house to listen to the band rehearsal. Traffic was hellish — two separate accidents on the freeway and everything clogged up for miles.  We got there an hour and a half after they started playing, heh.  But what we heard sounded good!  Henry played Gameboy with Chloe and I ripped cds and knitted and stuff.  When rehearsal was over we stayed and had more fun.  Henry played music with Bob and Chloe and I listened and talked, and then we just goofed around some more.  Nice.  I had planned to try to leave before rush hour but I missed the window of opportunity (if there was one yesterday) so we stayed until nearly 6.  Listened to My Man Jeeves all the way there and back, too, which made the drive as pleasant as a rush-hour freeway drive can be.

So tired.

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