Mastodon Vacation is over —

Vacation is over

Vacation is over — back to Regular Life :) Normal busy Tuesday morning — fixed yogurt-banana-strawberry smoothies for breakfast, got Henry up, got to Karate in time, then over to Bayshore for our consultation with Karen. We told both Michelle and Karen all about our Wii, heheh. It’s the most awesome console ever! Forgot to mention that on New Year’s Eve we visited Bob and Chloe again and took the Wii with us so we could all bowl some more. Bob’s parents showed up right before we left and Bob got them bowling and playing tennis and they were laughing and having a great time. That’s one of the amazing things about the Wii — middle-aged non-gamers are able to jump right in to the sports games with a minimum of explanation and demonstration, yet it’s still tremendously fun for us experienced gamers (I played tennis against the AI for quite a while yesterday, two kayrays against two random players, heheh). And Twilight Princess is good beyond belief. I worked my way to the miniboss in the second dungeon today and was constantly amazed by the creative new twists I ran into. I’m taking it kind of slow on purpose — I don’t want the game to end. Hooray, Nintendo!

Yeah so anyway on the way home from Bayshore we stopped at the Mailbox place so Kevin could notarize my request for a new copy of Henry’s birth certificate. Not taking any chances when we head back to Canada. Got home, sifted through the bills, fed Henry, read email, fixed librivox problems. Then we called Grandma (my Grandma, Henry’s Great-Grandma) to chat and thank her for the present she sent — one of thoe felt roll-up puzzle-keepers, very handy. I took snapshots of Henry on the phone with her, and then we went down to Kinkos to get a print made and tucked it into a package with a little late-Christmas gift for her — a copy of LibriVox’s “A Girl of the Limberlost” on 10 audio cds (which I made yesterday while the guys were at the flying field), then mailed that to Grandma and an embarrassingly-late Christmas card to Hugh and Christine (which was actually meant to be a thank-you card after our last visit. Talk about embarrassingly late…)

Then home again and time for some Zelda! Henry watched and advised me. Then I made a simple but tasty pasta dinner — stirred chunks of leftover New Year’s Turkey into the sauce. And now I’m blogging while Henry plays his guitar and Dan takes his bike apart and puts it back together :)

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