Mastodon Signs —


Henry and I went to Chloe’s house so he could practice with Bob for the show and so we could help out. Chloe and I made signs that the kids will hold up during Sgt Pepper, to cue the audience for applause and laughter and cheers. We printed out the letters in giant font, traced them onto the sign boards, and then colored them in with paint pens. We had to go back out for more pens because it took a LOT of ink (or whatever is in those pens). Also helped Bob straighten out the charts for Within You Without You, which had some messed-up rhythm in places, but we figured it out. We had a GREAT time seeing them!

I left my second, in-progress Wishbone Sock there, though. Grr. So I started another pair with the leftover Marra — I’m sure there’s enough if I make them shorter.

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