flickr badge thingy
I searched flickr long and hard to find out how to make this badge, and googled, and failed miserably. Finally I asked Hugh if he knew how — and he did! He sent me to (you must be logged in). However, it obviously doesn’t work (the flash version, at any rate). It should show an assortment of photos of my Finished Knitted Objects, but instead all I see is text. How about you? Awesome. Maybe the code got munged while I was copy/pasting.
Ah-HA! It does actually work here on this test page: so it seems wordpress did something nefarious to the code. Let’s try again:
Huh. Still broken. Oh well, there’s no room in my sidebar for anything else, anyway.
Category: Blog, Tech 3 comments »
July 16th, 2007 at 10:16 am
Hmm, you’re right, your badge does not show up for me, although when I click the link to go to your set, it works. Did you try going through the process and getting the code again?
I went with the HTML version when I did one, because the itty bitty squares in the Flash one seemed just that little bit TOO small.
July 16th, 2007 at 10:22 am
Yeah, it works when I paste the code into a test html file: so I guess it’s wordpress’s fault. Oh well.
July 16th, 2007 at 2:28 pm
I can probably fix this! Remind me when I get home :)