Mastodon V-neck sweater, in progress —

V-neck sweater, in progress

Yoke is done, have divided for sleeves. Pretty, huh?



A bit of poor planning on my part (forgot that my ROW gauge was also different — blame it on tooth pain) means my V is not as deep as the pattern V, but I think it’s deep enough. I don’t know if I have enough yarn to do the whole wrap-front thing, so I’m going to work the sleeves next, and then decide if I should do the wrap or just join the fronts and make a pullover.

Yarn: Knitpicks’ Gloss (merino wool/silk)
Gauge: 5.5 st/inch
Stitch pattern:
right side: k7, p1
wrong side: p

Category: Blog, Handmade 4 comments »

4 Responses to “V-neck sweater, in progress”

  1. Kathy

    Your work on that is amazing!

  2. Kristin

    It looks really nice, and I love the ribbing

  3. Cori

    I think that’s a perfect V … sedate, and shaped to set off a necklace well, without freezing your frontage. I’m sure Jane A would approve. ;)

  4. Annie

    Super cute! I love the seeded rib.

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