Mastodon The Adventures of Sally, Ch. 2 —

The Adventures of Sally, Ch. 2

The Adventures of Sally, by P. G. Wodehouse. First published in 1922. Read for you by Kara Shallenberg.

The Adventures of Sally

02 Enter Ginger – 00:51:34

I’ll post another chapter next Monday.

(Impatient? Get the entire audio book for free here:

Category: Audiobooks, Blog 2 comments »

2 Responses to “The Adventures of Sally, Ch. 2”

  1. Philip Whittaker

    Dear Kara,

    It was a great treat to find that you were the sole reader of the new release from Librivox – the adventures of Sally. You are the idea reader of Wodehouse. The tone is just right. many professional readers of audio books fall short of your standard.

    I listen to a couple of chapters each evening. What bliss!

    Please read more Wodehouse!

    Thank you so much,

    Philip Whittaker
    Kelso, Scotland

  2. kara

    Thank you so much, Philip — what a wonderful compliment! I’d LOVE to read more Wodehouse. I must stick to works published before 1923, which eliminates most of the Jeeves and Wooster books, unfortunately. Any suggestions?

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