Happy New Year!
Had a great New Year’s Eve yesterday with Henry and Dan. I went grocery shopping in the morning, and then I spent a long time cooking a big lovely Shepherd’s Pie for lunch/dinner, with tomato sauce from scratch and all, while Henry and Dan worked for hours on another of Henry’s adafruit.com kits. Dan says that Henry’s getting to be really skilled at soldering! Then we all lay around in the living room and watched the Victorian Farm Christmas Specials, which were marvelous, and even more interesting, I thought, than the main series, because they went into way more depth and detail.
And then I put on the 1951 Alastsair Sim version of A Christmas Carol, which was great! And then Henry and I goofed around on npr.org until midnight and then we all three sent Chloe simultaneous Happy New Year text messages because we were feeling silly, ha! And then we all ran out into the back yard and looked at the beautiful full moon and listened to the drunken neighbors setting off illegal fireworks, and then we went to bed.
I finished all the knitting on my Arden Bag kit and will felt it today.
I have still not blogged about Christmas, darn it. We had a wonderful time with Chloe and Bob and Kirsten and Marcos in the week before Christmas — ate, talked, played hours of Beatles Rock Band, and saw Avatar; and then we had a nice quiet Actual Christmas with just the three of us. Henry gave me two of my long-wished-for Betsy-Tacy reprints and Dan gave me a beautiful new digital camera, which is super-cool and suits me perfectly. And Dan liked his Christmas socks and nixie clock kit, and Henry liked his books and knitted vest and electronics kits. Here’s Henry doing some soldering:
And peeling apples for the pie he made to take to his Temecula Grandparents’ house
We had a very Merry Christmas and hope you did too!