Archive for March 2015
Return of the King, Bk 2, Ch 6
Out of doubt, out of dark, to the day’s rising
he rode singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
Return of the King Bk 2: 06 Many Partings
Return of the King, Bk 2, Ch 5
The Bad Beginning
Something from the archives! I think I recorded it in 2003 or 2004 as a
Christmas present for Henry.
The Bad Beginning, by Lemony Snicket
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 01
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 02
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 03
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 04
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 05
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 06
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 07
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 08
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 09
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 10
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 11
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 12
The Bad Beginning: Chapter 13
Return of the King, Bk 2, Ch 4
Long live the Halflings! Praise them with great praise!
Return of the King Bk 2: 04 The Field of Cormallen
Return of the King, Bk 2, Ch 3
“Yes,” said Frodo. “But do you remember Gandalf’s words: Even Gollum may have something yet to do? “
Return of the King Bk 2: 03 Mount Doom
p.s. I have finally added links to Book 1 at the top of
Return of the King, Bk 2, Ch 2
In which Frodo and Sam have an almost unbelievable number of close shaves and near misses. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be glad when we stop hearing about gray ashy dark grim horrible Mordor.
Return of the King Bk 2: 02 The Land of Shadow
The very next chapter is called “Mount Doom”, so I think Frodo’s quest is nearing its end! I’ll record it as soon as humanly possible :)
Not sick!
News flash: I am currently not sick. The sore throat got better about 2 days ago. So now it’s just my normal Pulmonary Hypertension-related exhaustion and other stuff. So I might be able to record another chapter for you pretty soon.
It’s been so long since I wrote a blog post about anything significant, and I don’t have time right now for much, because I need to breathe my meds and brush my teeth and get ready to go see my lovely therapist, Jeff. Hooray for Jeff! It’s always a good day when I have a Jeff appointment.
Reading: Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain, by David Eagleman
Listening: “Doctor Thorne”, by Anthony Trollope, from Librivox:
Playing: Monkey City (one of the best tower defense games ever), Atomas, Alto’s Adventure
Knitting: a baby blanket for an upcoming brand-new great-nephew (except I’m having terrible hand pain so I can’t/shouldn’t knit much).
Watching: Better Call Saul (so good!!!), Last Week Tonight, Only Connect, The Americans, House of Cards, Fortitude, and a couple of new things which might end up being good — Battle Creek and The Last Man on Earth. And I’m doing a rewatch of Breaking Bad and 30 Rock.
Henry is living with my sister and her husband in the Bay Area. He’s the full-time nanny for their almost-2-year-old, which I think he finds fulfilling but exhausting. I can’t really live alone because of my health condition, so I’ll be moving in with them too, as soon as they find a big enough rental house. It was lucky that the very week that Henry moved out, a friend had a housing crisis and needed a place to stay for a while, so he’s living in Henry’s room and I have company and help.
Thank you for all the thoughtful comments and emails!
Sick again (still)
Brutal sore throat. Started out of nowhere on Saturday night, wasn’t too bad though Sunday, and then Monday it got way worse all of a sudden. Like, it hurt so badly to swallow that it made me cry. Monday night was rough. Now, Tuesday morning, it’s slightly better. I can swallow, anyway.
Sigh. This has been a rough year so far.