Mastodon The Return of the King, Bk 2, Chapter 9 —

The Return of the King, Bk 2, Chapter 9

Chapter 9; the last chapter. I’ve been working on The Lord of the Rings for about 12 years; I started recording it for Henry, my little Tolkien junkie who is all grown up now, and finished it for my crowd of loyal listeners who so often send me the kindest emails and comments! It’s hard to believe that it’s over.

“It’s an ill wind as blows nobody no good, as I always say. And All’s well as ends Better!”

Return of the King Bk 2: 09 The Grey Havens


Category: Audiobooks, Blog 3 comments »

3 Responses to “The Return of the King, Bk 2, Chapter 9”

  1. Brian

    Bravo Kara. 12 years, I had no idea. Thanks for all your work on this series! I do remember hearing Henry’s comments here and there on some of the earlier works. Nice.

    12 years wow. I was still living in Sacramento then prior to moving to Fort Bragg, Mendocino. Life moves on!

  2. Catharine

    Wow. Congratulations!!!!!

  3. Triayu Soepandi

    Oowwh my!!! You’ve finished it… YAAAYYY!!!…

    You know, what’s good about this reading is that it feels real.. I felt like I was listening to a mother reading to her loving son.. especially when you stopped your reading to answer henry’s questions, or when the two of you sang some verses together… I loved it.

    It reminds me of my childhood, and that is precious…

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