Mastodon Quick check-in —

Quick check-in

I’m still here! I got over my virus and felt ok for a few days, and now I’ve caught something again. Coughed all night. Arghhhhh. Gonna try to get a walk-in doc appt today.

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One Response to “Quick check-in”

  1. Mark Plaga


    I’m not sure if I have ever sent you a letter like this before, I’ve written them at least twice in the past and never sent them. I adore you! My family adores you, my kids, now 21-years old, twin boys, adore you, my wife as well as my ex-wife adore you. We have listened to your reading over the years and love your voice, we love everything about your reading, especially the background conversations.

    If there is every anything you need or that we can do for you we are at your service.

    Mark, Robyne, Wyatt & Wynne Plaga

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