March 11
Oops. I disappeared again, huh? I love all the messages you guys send to me! Thank you!
I’ve been having sort of a rough time. I’m so tired. Everything is difficult. Good days are rare.
However, I do have some good days still! And on those good days I make things. I’m still working on my Friesland Blanket, which I started in March of 2017. Here’s a progress photo from last week:
At that point I needed to make six more motifs, and since then I’ve made two so there are only four remaining!
I also finished my beautiful Wildflower Farm Quilt! This one is mine mine mine. I love it so!
Category: Blog, Handmade 2 comments »
March 13th, 2020 at 4:26 am
awesome job! they all look great but that blue one!!! absolutely gorgeous! yes we all come to check on you from time to time. we care :)
March 16th, 2020 at 6:20 am
Beautiful work — and my two favorites so far!
Your site is a treasure, both for your candor and how graciously you share your many talents.
I found this site years ago to make bead ornaments and have returned many, many times to be inspired.