Mastodon Tuesday —


Went north to Deal With My Room. Ugh. So much filth. I hate moving without dusting everything but I just don’t have it in me so the moving men will just need to pack my dust. Packed up my serger and threw away two garbage bags full of crap. Sorted my stuff out of the downstairs bathroom. Found my rain boots and umbrella. Gathered up the few belongings of mine that were in the kitchen. (My excellent blender, my big casserole dish, my ancient Revere Ware saucepan)

Then home and out on a few errands with Dave and now I’m EXHAUSTED. Time to watch some polite English cops and then bed.

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One Response to “Tuesday”

  1. Kathy

    Moving requires so much energy and so many exhausting decisions. Whenever you can, I hope you can wave the magic “pay some one to do it“ wand.

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