Mastodon Tuesday —


Hoo boy the weekend is swiftly approaching! We’re still waiting to find out if the movers are coming on Saturday or Sunday, but either way it’s excitingly soon. Tomorrow: therapy, pharmacy, and a stop in UC to have lunch with fam and droo off/pick up some stuff. Thursday Dave needs to get his trailer set up and clear a path to his piano in gis industrial unit, and I’ll do laundry and other house chores. Friday we‘ll pack up all the stuff that’s going in the car with us, and Dave will uninstall his good toilet and reinstall the original.

We’ve been trying to eat as much fridge food as possible. Some of the freezer food will travel with us in a cooler and keep Dave’s insulin cool, but we’ll need to toss the ice cream so, y‘know, I’m doing my best to east it up :D

The first Winne the Pooh book is in the Public Domain! Henry and I are planning ro record it as a Librivox duet, trading chapters, after we’re settled in OR!. Disney still owns the red-shirt version. I saw this handy poem on twitter:

If shirt he wear, artist beware. If nude he be, your Pooh is free!

Category: Blog One comment »

One Response to “Tuesday”

  1. Kathy

    There’s so much in this post to be excited about! Wish I could be there to help out with the move. Covid and distance suck. I hope you have all the help you need.

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