Mastodon Wednesday —


Bad insomnia last night but then I slept till 10:30am so I feel fine. Thought I had a cardiology appointment today but when I got there it turned out I was confused — somehow I simply invented this appointment because my real appointment is in my calendar too, in June! It’s ok, it was a pleasant drive on a lovely Spring day, and I stopped at New Seasons on the way home for a huge veggie sandwich. Eight years after leaving San Diego I’ve finally found a sandwich equal in quality to Sandwich Emporium. The Bay Area was a sandwich dead-zone for some reason. Look at this beauty:

Marbled rye, provolone, mayo, mustard, avocado, tomato, roasted peppers, pickled peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, and red onion! I swear it was six inches thick before she wrapped it up. Ate half when I got home and half for dinner. Nutrition and calories yay! It’s such a tempting sandwich that I was able to eat it despite not being hungry. Still 100 lbs, so at least I haven’t got even thinner.

Dunno if I mentioned it before, but we let the previous owners stay here in their RV for “a couple weeks” after we moved here in early January. Very nice couple but omg they finally left THIS MORNING! Four months later. Lol. Now I’ll never be ambushed by Conversation when I go outside. I don’t need to check if the coast is clear before I get the mail. It’s JUST US!!! Hallelujah!

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One Response to “Wednesday”

  1. Kathy

    Clicks “like” ??

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