Mastodon Lauantai —


Normal morning and then my heart went bananas at 10:30am. Just whammo, 168 BPM out of nowhere. Yesterday Dave had travelled to a friend’s birthday celebration a couple hours away and spent the night so I was alone. Managed to grab my go-bag, unlock front door, sut in the entry floor, and call ambulance after 20 minutes, when I was sure it wasn’t going to clear up.

EMTs arrived. They asked all the questions as usual, hooked me up for ekg, etc. I felt SO BAD, was pretty sure I was about to faint. They lifted me down the porch steps and onto a gurney and then I puked over the side. And then within 2 minutes, by the time they got me into the ambulance, I was fine. Boom. Puking does it every time. Stimulates the vagal nerve. I wanted them to let me just go back into the house, but my bp was still lower than my low-normal so I let them take me to OHSU. By the time we got there my bp was closer to my normal, and by the time the ER nurses took fresh readings it was good enough that I was ready to leave. Doc tried to make me stay but I’ve been through this so many times. There’s nothing else they can do except run tests, and the tests always say the same thing. So I checked out (against medical advice, but with common sense) and Henry fetched me home.

Now I’ll be extra-tired for a few days. No big deal.

So yeah. I’m still alive, by gum. But so tired.

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