Mastodon Tiistai —


It’s so amazing to have an appetite again. And I can just keep eating! Like, I’m sitting here in bed just knitting and snacking on hazelnuts even though I’m not technically hungry. Calories, baby! Nutrition! Woohoo!

This morning I started sewing right away before existence could exhaust me, and I got Lulu’s pajamas all sewn together. Now I have three little pairs of PJs plus Em’s rainbow pants that just need tags sewn in, yay!

I also made my first attempt at a traditional Christmas Pudding, following Townsends’s recipe, generally, but I made a TINY pudding using only 2 oz of each main ingredient instead of a pound. I figured my first try would be bad and I was right, lol. Horrible chemical aftertaste, and bland and soggy. Next try, I’ll use butter instead of vegetable suet, and add a lot more spice and maybe a bit of molasses, and I’ll steam the pudding instead of boiling it. And I’ll wrap it in white linen instead of an orange tea towel. And I’ll use just dried fruit instead of adding Dave’s glacé cherries.

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