Darn I forgot to post yesterday! And I was sure I’d written something. Well, Monday was a nice quiet day. Kirsten went to Henry’s and took the girls outside to play for hours. I made another Italian casserole and rested and ate.
Today Lulu had school so Kirsten brought Em back here so she could practice her cello and do her school project with me. Her assignment was to make a quilt square using fabric that is meaningful to her. The kids are allowed to just glue their fabric to cardboard, but of course Em wanted to actually sew! And it was a perfect project for us to do together because I have scraps of so many things I’ve sewn for her over the years. We used a pink sun-protection fabric that I used to sew clothes for her second trip to Burning Man (age three), gray fleece scraps from the first Halloween costume I made for her (an awesome robot with electric lights and knobs), and rainbow jersey that I used to make her Christmas joggers! Because we were using difficult thick stretchy fabric I set her up to do Foundation Paper Piecing with great big seam allowances. I also showed her how to draw small versions of her quilt square and use markers to color them in and decide on fabric placement.
We got the whole square finished. She did all the cutting and all the sewing, except I helped sew through the big horrible lump at the center where all the seams crossed. Tomorrow we’ll sew it to a backing, pillowcase-style, so that she can stuff it and have a keepsake memory pillow when her project is returned to her :)
And then Henry and Co. showed up in the afternoon. I hid in the quiet bedroom, Henry hid with me to finish his work day, the girls played on the trampoline for hours, and Jayla and Kirsten chased the baby around.
So. Tired.