Mastodon Sunday —


A bit of insomnia last night but felt normal-tired today, so that was good. It was forecast to be a real scorcher today, 102°, so I sat out in the garden in the morning while it was still only 80° or so. There is ONE female zucchini blossom getting ready to open! I hope one of the 20 male blossoms will open at the right time.

We kept the shades down and the windows closed all day to keep the heat out. Dave likes to set to AC to 75° but that’s a bit cold for me, so while he’s been gone out and about today I’ve had it at 78° which is much better. God I hope the evening air gets cooler soon so I can open my bedroom windows at least!!

My stomach didn’t hurt today, yay! I scraped up enough energy to make flour tortillas per my nephew John’s recipe and they turned out great. Just need more salt next time. Hungry now, gotta find some dinner.

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