Mastodon Friday —


Tired. So tired of being tired. It’s tiring and tiresome.

I found a website full of recipes for single serving meals. I’m excited. I’ve filled my recipe app (paprika) with interesting recipes like pad thai for one (I rewrote it for tofu instead of shrimp, eww), eggplant parmesan for one, split pea soup for one. I have a hell of a time recalibrating my cooking muscle-memory to make non-family-size meals. This should help, and a “single serving” is still probably two-three meals for me. I keep ending up with like a week of leftovers every time I cook for myself. It’s too much.

Also she/he/they list ideas of what to do with your surplus ingredients; for example if you have surplus mozzarella from making eggplant parm, you could use it for a personal pizza or a caprese salad

Hoping to wake up with enough spoons to cook something new for myself sometime soon…

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