Mastodon The Adventures of Sally, Ch. 18 —

The Adventures of Sally, Ch. 18

The Adventures of Sally, by P. G. Wodehouse. First published in 1922. Read for you by Kara Shallenberg.

The Adventures of Sally

18 Journey’s End – 00:10:16

I’ll post another chapter next Monday.

(Impatient? Get the entire audio book for free here:

Category: Audiobooks, Blog 4 comments »

4 Responses to “The Adventures of Sally, Ch. 18”

  1. Pkae

    Love the early P.G. Wodehouse. Your reading was lovely. Any chance of some more of his earlier work.

  2. kara

    Thank you! Good idea, perhaps I will find some more early Wodehouse to record. Meanwhile, here are the rest of the Wodehouse books at LibriVox:

  3. Charlie

    I am a big fan of PG Wodehouse. My favorite of all his works is The Adventures of Sally. So recently I was quite pleased to run across a podcast of your audio version of that fabulous book. I know you recorded it a decade ago, but I wanted you to know that like Wodehouse’s words themselves, your presentation is timeless. I thank you for the wonderful job you did. It is a perfect match of voice to authorial intent.You captured perfectly both the indomitable character of Sally and the tone of Wodehouse’s special brand of humor. Please know that your readings are greatly appreciated and add a measure of joy to our often troublesome times. I will look look forward to listening to your other readings. Be well and happy, and always maintain a Sally-like spirit!

  4. kara

    Thank you so much, Charlie!

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