Mastodon sweater photos —

sweater photos

Chloe and Bob came over yesterday and stayed for hours, which was a huge treat. We watched three episodes of Survivor China (Jaime thought she had an immunity idol, lol) and talked, and watched stuff on youtube, and played guitar hero, and played real music. Well, Bob and Dan played real music while Chloe and I watched The Soup.

I got a lot done on my Cobblestone-inspired Cardigan. A while back I decided it was much too large, and ripped back past the last round of increases. Now I’m a few inches past the underarms again and it’s looking great.

cobblestone cardigan

cobblestone cardigan

cobblestone cardigan

Last week I ordered one of Knitpicks’ new Harmony interchangeable circular wooden knitting needles, size 5, with 47″ cables. I can hardly wait till they get here so I can try them out. They were only about $12 including shipping (the Addis I bought were over $20 — GAH. I don’t even LIKE metal needles). I’ll test them on this sweater, and then if I like them I’ll ask for more for Christmas. Although the interchangeable ones only go down to size 4, they sell non-interchangeable wooden circs down to size 0. Hallelujia!

I have a headache. Have I mentioned lately that I hate it when the time changes? Also, the power is flickering. I shut down and unplugged the iMac, since I’m pretty sure it no longer has any surge protection since its UPS died. Not sure if the lappy has surge protection so I unplugged it and turned down the brightness for optimal battery life.

Category: Blog, Handmade 2 comments »

2 Responses to “sweater photos”

  1. Erin

    Hi, Kara! I’ve listened to you via LibriVox and have got to say that I enjoy your work very much. I’m just starting to record for it, too, and am continually amazed by my lack of competance with the technology, but I shall soldier on. I’m totally thrilled, though, to find out you’re a knitter! Cool. One of the ways I’ve heard you has been via CraftLit (reading Tale of Two Cities), as I knit or spin. I must say that you are clearly one of the right sort. Glad y’all are OK there in crazy California.

  2. kara

    Heheheh thanks, Erin :)

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