Mastodon Progress —


Yesterday I saw my dentist, my sweet dear dentist. She said my wisdom tooth was the most difficult tooth she’d ever worked on. They took out my stitches and packed some little wads of gauze soaked with a mixture of herbs/oil of cloves into the wound, which is supposed to help it heal and not hurt so much. I think it really is helping the pain! She also said I can take 800 milligrams of ibuprofin at a time (instead of the 400-600 I’d been taking), or half a percocet plus 200mg ibuprofin. So yesterday I was in much less pain all day, which was quite a relief.

I felt well enough to work on my Cobblestone Cardigan while listening to Annie’s reading of Pride and Prejudice and got the sleeves finished and seamed! I learned how to do invisible seaming on garter stitch fabric as well as stockinette fabric and I’m so impressed with how good it looks. I’ll never fear seams again.


Category: Blog, Handmade 3 comments »

3 Responses to “Progress”

  1. Kathy

    I am glad you’re feeling better. You’ve been through the wringer with that darn tooth! I guess it’s a little gratifying to learn it was the worst one ever!

  2. Annie

    Oh man. I hope you’re totally out of the woods with the wisdom tooth experience! Will you go for sedation next time? I only had three wisdom teeth, one never developed, apparently this is evolution at work – since modern humans don’t need them we’re slowly not growing them anymore. I thought that was interesting! Anyhoo I had all three out at once my freshman year of college when I was home for spring break. Man was that a bad idea. Not only did I have a miserable spring break but I developed a dry socket in one of the wounds and ended up back at school having to pack the thing myself. I’m glad that yours seems to be healing well and that my P&P helped pass the time!

  3. kara

    Yeah, I’m down to 800mg ibuprofen at bedtime instead of three times a day! For my next tooth extraction, my dentist is sending me to an oral surgeon, since my darn teeth are so difficult. Sedation will be required.

    How interesting that you only had three wisdom teeth! Dan is the same! My mom, on the other hand, had three SETS. Yes, three sets grew in one after the other. You’re more highly evolved ;-)

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