Mastodon Friendship Bracelets —

Friendship Bracelets

Henry and I saw some friendship-bracelet-type things at the fair, and I told him we could make them ourselves. On Friday I googled and found a fantastic website: He’s got a basic tutorial to refresh your memory (how long has it been since you made a friendship bracelet??) and then a ton of patterns and techniques, and even a make-your-own-pattern generator thing! So Henry and I had a great time making some bracelets and I’m sure we’ll be making lots more. It’s a nice summer craft.

Category: Handmade 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Friendship Bracelets”

  1. Kristin

    If you like that, I think you’ll like fingerloop braiding. It’s an old technique, and you can find some good information about it online if you google it.

  2. Katie

    I’ve been enjoying your recordings from freeclassicaudiobooks. They are great for when my hands are occupied will pumping or nursing the baby. I loved your reading of Heidi.

  3. kara

    Thanks, Katie, glad you’re enjoying my recordings!

  4. Katie

    It dawned on me last night that I didn’t type my website correctly. So, if you click on my first comment it brings you to some else’s blog. Sorry! I should have been more original with my blog name.


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