Mastodon Happy 5th anniversary, LibriVox! —

Happy 5th anniversary, LibriVox!

Yesterday, August 10th 2010, was LibriVox’s 5-year anniversary. I can hardly believe it. We cataloged our very first free, public domain audiobook (The Secret Agent) in September of 2005, and I finished my first solo, The Road to Oz, in October 2005.

We produced a total of 30 audiobooks in 2005, and I remember thinking that someday we might reach 100. As I write this we have 3659 completed audiobooks in our catalog — in 29 different languages! Amazing!

More important to me than numbers, impressive though they are, is our community. We have without doubt one of the friendliest forums on the internet. It’s always so pleasant to browse through our working threads and see the cheerful interaction of our volunteers as we all work together, making audiobooks just for the love of it.

You can read a post from Hugh, our founder, here:

and listen to our amazing 5th Anniversary podcast here:

Hooray for LibriVox!

Category: Audiobooks, Blog 4 comments »

4 Responses to “Happy 5th anniversary, LibriVox!”

  1. Kathy

    Wow! Kara, I’m so proud of your work with that project.

  2. julie m

    Thank you for the reading. My children & I are enjoying The Road to Oz now.

  3. kara

    My pleasure, Julie :)

  4. Terry

    I’ve listened to a few of your librivox audiobooks now. They’re all well done. My initial reaction was that it was a little pretentious to plug your website at the beginning of every chapter of every book you read, but after hearing you actually sing the doxology during your reading of The Secret Garden, I have a newfound respect for how much you’re putting into these narrations.

    Thanks for your part in making my long commutes more bearable :)

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