Archive for June 2014
Return of the King Bk 1, Ch1, Pt 1
The first chapter of The Return of the King is a long one, so I’ve split it in half. Here’s the first half!
Return of the King Bk 1: 01-1 Minas Tirith, Part 1
Honestly, I was getting a little bit bored by Frodo’s journey so I’m glad to be back with some of the other characters now.
The Writing’s on the Wall
New video from Ok GO and it’s as good as you’d expect. Youtube won’t allow me to embed it, so just hit the link and go watch, and then watch again and again because there’s a lot to see. It’s a beautiful piece of performance art.
I hope someday we get to see a “making of” video!
Poo-Poo and the Dragons ebook!
Perhaps you have listened to and enjoyed my recording of C.S. Forester’s out-of-print children’s book “Poo-Poo and the Dragons”? Well! A commenter has just let me know that you can now purchase an ebook of “Poo-Poo and the Dragons” with the original illustrations! So if you enjoyed my recording, please support this publisher and buy your own copy of this wonderful classic.
(Yeah, I wish it had been reprinted in paper as well as digitally, but we have to take what we can get, eh?)
Nice visit with family
My sister and her husband and their almost-one-year-old drove all the way from the Bay Area to San Diego, stayed for two days, then drove back up to LA for the little one’s first birthday party at the in-laws’ house. It’s too tiring for me to make that journey for the party, so I’m extremely grateful to them for making the extra journey to see us SD folks!
We spent one day just hanging out and chatting and trying the make the baby EAT something, lol. She was very distracted by the cat (so soft and fascinating) and all the unfamiliar people. She has just learned to walk, so naturally she walked non-stop around and around and around the living room! And tried to eat the cat’s dry food whenever we stopped watching her for a split second. Yum? Sweet girl! Here she is in the cotton lace dress I knit for her:
The next day we went to the fair. First we looked at the big Beatles exhibit and posed on the life-size Abbey Road crosswalk:
Then we ate (Roxy!) and looked at the woodworking and the animals and the slicer-dicers and watched the Swifty Swine pig races. It was a long and tiring day, but very very fun!
Sad Peggy
It’s hard to believe we have to wait until April of 2015 for more Mad Men. ARGH. And even then, it’s the end of Mad Men. Peggy knows how I feel:
So, back to the beginning and watch it All. Over. Again. (and again, and again, and again. I can’t count how many times I’ve watched the whole thing. Henry and I are near the end of Season 2 at the moment.)