Mastodon Dracula —


Librivox’s 11th anniversary is today, August 10th 2016! We had a 6-week drive to finish nearly 200 books in order to reach 10,000 books by our anniversary, and we not only reached that goal easily but we surpassed it by 22 books. We now have 10,022 free audiobooks in our catalog!

Have a look at this thread:

Everyone pitched in — book coordinators chased down languishing chapter claims, narrators helped out with books that were lingering unfinished, proof-listeners took on extra work, admins cataloged the finished books, our cover team made cover art for all these extra books, and many soloists put in an extra effort to finish up those solos that were close to completion.

That’s what I did. I wasn’t planning to finish Dracula till December, but I really pushed myself in those few hours when I felt ok (and the house was relatively quiet) and got it done in time to be part of the 10,000! My proof-listener, Mark, managed to get all those long chapters proofed when he wasn’t playing with his grandkids, and Ann cataloged it swiftly.

And here it is, complete with beautiful cover art made by Annise:

Castle Dracula

Happy listening! Have your brandy and garlic at hand in case you feel faint or you notice a strange mist pouring in over your windowsill…

Category: Audiobooks, Blog 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Dracula”

  1. David

    Hi Kara,

    I just came to for the first time tonight(despite having heard that url a thousand times), mostly because I was googling just trying to understand why the Old Man cut up his bag and burned it at the end of The Old Man’s Bag by T W H Crosland. My children listen to librivox recordings on our phones when they go to bed. Sometimes different stories are playing in each child’s room, but it’s almost always your voice. :)
    Your recordings are their favorite. You do such an amazing job and your voice is really pleasant and comforting. Thank you for your work with Librivox! My children request you by name when I offer to play new stories: “ok, but is it Kara Shallenberg?” We listen to Alice(Wonderland and Looking Glass) quite often, but Velveteen Rabbit and The Old Man’s Bag are also favorites. Which reminds me, do you have any idea why he burned the bag? Isn’t that story just the strangest? I love it! :)
    Thanks again, your presence in our family is felt and heard! I sincerely wish you good health and hope your new meds/dosage are helpful. Also, I can’t wait to listen to Dracula on my commute tomorrow!

    Sending all our love,
    The Cook family

  2. kara

    Thank you for the lovely comment, Cook family! I’m so glad you enjoy my recordings. I’ll have to listen to The Old Man’s Bag… I have no memory of it at all! :)

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