Mastodon Hello again, I am still alive —

Hello again, I am still alive

Is anyone reading this? Probably not, it’s been months since I last published a post. Well I’m still alive. This year has been weird. I had a couple of months of pretty bad depression which it turns out was caused mostly by hypothyroidism because of a dose change. Right now my dose of thyroid replacement hormone is back where it should be and I’m feeling better.

Every day feels the same as every other day. It’s really weird. We’ve been in lockdown for so long now. And it’s not like there’s anywhere I particularly want to go (except for visiting family) but it would be nice to have the option I guess.

I had my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine two weeks ago so my second dose will be next Saturday and I’m super excited about that! Just about everyone in my family has had either one or two doses already. We are still all incredibly careful but some of the worry has lifted of course! Such a relief! Our local libraries will be opening up soon with limited hours and lots of safety precautions so that’s super exciting!

My PAH is progressing, unfortunately. I’m on 7 liters of oxygen per minute 24 hours a day now and I have almost no energy to do anything, ever. There are so many things I want to do but it’s hard to get the energy to sit up and sew or record audio books or bake or do anything really. Ugh. So I lie in bed and listen to audiobooks and watch Netflix and BBC and And I play a lot of video games :-)

Right now I love Cozy Grove for iOS. So sweet. And Henry buys me a subscription to classic World of Warcraft which is just like it was in the olden days before any expansions and that is super fun! We play together sometimes, just like we did 16 years ago when he was a little fellow.

I’m writing this by dictating to my phone and it’s working pretty well. I need to clean up a few typos here amd there, but it’s no work at all so maybe I can get into the habit of writing more often, if anyone still wants to read my random thoughts!

It has been a whole year since I had that brain surgery, yuck! It took months and months to recover from that but I think I’m myself again.

OK I’m gonna go back to watching my current Scandinavian Murder Show on Channel 4 which is called “All the Sins” . It’s a Finnish one this time but there’s no snow — it takes place in summer, for a change. A woman just walked outside in what looked like broad daylight to find her husband and said “it’s 3 AM come to bed” LOL.

Which reminds me my brain is not doing so great. My thoughts are kind of cloudy, it’s hard to focus, my memory is shot, and I’m having trouble with vocabulary. Crossword puzzles are much much harder than they used to be. But I’m still trying to keep my brain active so I’m learning Finnish very slowly on Duolingo, as well as reviewing German. Finnish is super fun because it is not an Indo European language and so it’s completely unrelated to English and German. No cognates!

Category: Blog 7 comments »

7 Responses to “Hello again, I am still alive”

  1. Trevor


    Listening to your reading of the Great Gatsby and decided to look you up. I am glad to find that you are a real person and still alive :)

    Thank you for your readings! Have a great day!


  2. kara

    Thank you, Trevor! <3

  3. Judith

    Liebe Kara,
    natürlich gibt es viele Leser, die hier mitlesen! Ich folge dir bei Ravelry, deshalb hatte ich mir keine Sorgen gemacht, dass es dir schlecht geht, weil ich deine Posts dort gesehen habe. Ich freue mich, dass du so ausführlich schreiben kannst.
    Liebe Grüsse

  4. kara

    Vielen Dank, Judith! <3

  5. Gillian

    I’ve been popping by your blog every week in the hope of seeing a new post about how you are getting on. So pleased you have had your first dose of vaccine. I’ve had my first dose too, but here in England I’m going to have to wait a couple of months for my second dose. Sending lots of good wishes. Gillian

  6. Beth

    I’m still reading, Kara, and wishing you well! Thanks for taking the time to post and let us know how you are.

  7. Brenda

    I keep popping in on your blog from time to time just to see if you are still alive and if not, I expect someone will post a lovely eulogy some day. Until then, I am glad you are still on the planet and still able to enjoy your loved ones. I’ve been listening to you read for years now. Often the sound of your voice is what helps me wind down at bedtime. I am thinking about re-listening to Heidi and The Secret Garden. Not sure I’m ready for the Great Gatsby yet! Wishing you much happiness.

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